I love this team.

Its hard to realize that the game last night was only the second competitive match for this team. At times last night it seemed as though this team was in mid-season form. The passes were crisp, the runs timed well, the vision prime, etc. etc. It's also amazing how warm a night can be, even if the temps are in the 30's - 40's, when your team is playing well. The game was pure excitement, which this coaching staff has promised it would be for quite some time now.
The first 20 or so minutes were all RSL. The eventual goal by Saborio seemed as though it was destiny. RSL came flying out of the gate and was looking to strike as quickly as possible. Some early season rust did show at times as runs were a bit off and passes a bit heavy, but compared to where they should be (its not even MLS season yet, people) this team was incredibly dangerous. The second goal by Javi was what you could just label as a "RSL Goal". Great passing build up, and then the legend himself, Andy Williams, makes a pass that nobody else in the stadium saw. At first I thought he miss-played a ball to Sabo. Then I see Javi on the end of it and he reminded us all that his skill set isn't just limited to passes. Clinical finish, with Johnson standing on the back post just in case. Gotta love it.
My favorite part of the first half, though, came with the people around me in section 14. I have a wonderful tradition to make confetti and buy streamers for RSL matches. Its a great way to show excitement and love and, to put it bluntly, it looks cool. I always try to get kids around me involved. I'm not much concerned about the adults around me, if they wanted to throw a stream or some confetti then they would bring some themselves. The kids, however, don't have that power. What they do have, however, is power over those adults. If I get them hooked on throwing a handful of confetti and a streamer, they will beg their parents to not only go to another game but to buy some stuff to have fun while there. These two kids in front of me did not disappoint. One was eyeing my stuff from the opening whistle, looking at myself and his dad for approval. Handing him a streamer was a great decision. The other kid wanted in on the action shortly thereafter. He didn't have as great of an arm (he hit a guy in the head 2 rows down, it was awesome) but he was hooked right away too. The game was wonderful, but converting young fans to want to enjoy the game more than just cheering (like they do at Jazz games, the kid even said that "we cant do this at Jazz games, huh dad" it was awesome) was the best part of the first half for me.
The second half started slow. You could tell the Crew got a good chewing out at the break and were looking to get back into this thing quickly. They didn't wait too long. RSL, at the same time, seemed a bit flat and relaxed. They often say 2-0 is the worst lead to have in soccer, the first couple of minutes of that second half proved why. Instantly, via a terrific shot by Mendoza, Columbus was back in this match. Another goal and the game would be turned on its head. The RSL we all know and love, however, responded well. Quickly attacking and regaining possession. It was pretty even until the subs were made. The addition of Paulo Junior proved to be the correct choice. Sabo wasn't having the best of nights (which is funny to say considering he found a goal, I'm fine if his "off nights" are like that) and so the switch made sense. PJ got in behind and found Javi on top of the 18. His low shot was incredibly well placed and beat Burse, in goal for Columbus, pretty easily. However, it must be said that Espy was in an offsides position. The question, however, was did he effect play? While the shot did go pretty much right by him, he didn't move towards it; in fact I think he moved away from it. The AR on the east side didn't signal a goal for quite some time as he and the center ref were discussing the goal via their mics (at least I think they were). Eventually they deemed that Espy didn't effect play and that the goal should stand. This is one of those gray questionable areas of the rules that are left to be determined by the individual refs. I think they got it right... but of course I wear claret colored glasses.
The last 20 minutes of the match will be placed in my memory in the category of "golden moments at the RioT". In about the 73rd minute the drummers in La Barra Real and Union Real stopped. For a good 10-15 seconds the place sorta got quiet; it was weird. But then that universal chant that all of us RSL fans know started. However, unlike the times before when it had been sung during the game (which were several) it grew, and grew, and grew. It was just incredible to be part of. You could feel the chant moving up the east and west stands and eventually it wrapped all the way around the stadium. It seemed as though all 15 thousand + people that were there decided, yeah, its a good time to sing. Honestly, that moment alone was the moment of the night. Sure, we hung 4 goals (3 up to that point) on the Crew and looked to be in some pretty damn good form doing it, but that one moment of fan unison was a sign of, hopefully, things to come. This club is turning into something special in this valley/region. I say this a lot, I know, but you can see it with your own eyes. Back in 2005-2007 you wouldn't see anybody wearing RSL gear unless it was game day up at Rice Eccles. Now I see it, and I'm not lying when I say this, daily. People are taking this team to their hearts, they are making it their own, and the FO (to their HUGE credit) is allowing this grass roots evolution to happen. I only hope it continues and that in say maybe 10-15 years, this team rivals the passion people show for the U and Y football programs (which I place above the Jazz).
The night couldn't have been finished in a better way. Andy Williams, the legend that he is, builds a ridiculous move down the west sideline, eventually resulting in a foul (which really should have been allowed to play on, but we will cut Geiger some slack here). Andy steps up to the set piece, eyeing that near post, and the whole crowd could just feel it. It was as if the stadium hit that ball along with Andy. When that ball hit the net, the place exploded. We love Andy Williams here, there is no other way of putting it. The guy is, and forever will be, the original RSL Legend. I'm sure more (and I hope more) will emerge like Kyle Beckerman, Jason Kreis, Javi Morales, etc. But the original, who has been here since the beginning, holds a special place in RSL fan's heart's.
All I can really say to give that goal justice is that's the Andy we know.
All in all, it was quite a memorable night at the RioT. It seems as though all nights there are memorable in some way shape or form, but this one sticks out. I am hesitant to label it "best night at the RioT, ever" just yet, but its hard to make a strong argument against it.
RSL Player Ratings: (A-F)
Rimando: A-
- Great night from the midget between the posts. I only slight him a little because of the one goal (which really wasn't his fault, but its still a goal)
Olave: A-
- Great night and really was the unsung hero in this one. He absolutely shut down the RSL Killer Jeff Cunningham. OLAVE SAYS NO!
Schuler: A-
- Nat who? Just kidding. But really, Chris showed that in case of injury or suspension we have a reliable backup. He isn't the prettiest of defenders, but you don't get extra points for style.
Wingert: B
- Wingert had a great night, I only knock him down a bit because he didn't get forward much. It likely was instructed by Kreis, but when he and Russel go up, we are that much more dangerous.
Russell: B-
- Same as Wingert. Robbie also had a couple scary moments through the night, but kept it clean. I highlighted him as the player to watch for RSL as he would get the Rogers/Cunningham-help assignment. I thought he did pretty well with those.
Beckerman: A
- The problem with being a D-Mid is that if you have a great night, it usually means nobody talks about you. Kyle was everywhere last night. Breaking up passes and starting the RSL attack. Kyle is the first part of our success of getting the ball from the back to the front. When you score 4 goals, he probably had a good night.
Johnson: A-
- The kid nearly beat his own goal back in 2008 for "best goal scored in the RioT" in the first half. That laser that rang off the far post was just ridiculous. Will was the energizer bunny we all love and expect him to be. Great night from the kid.
Javi: A
- It was the Javi show last night. I should be giving him MOTM awards, but meh...
Espindola: B+
- There were moments when Espy looked as though he hadn't played soccer in a couple years, and then there were moments when you wondered how this crazy left-footed maniac wasn't playing in Europe. The guy can flip a switch and be something special, its just keeping that switch flipped that is his issue. Still, though, he had the better night of the two starting strikers. You wont hear that very often when you are paired up with one of the best strikers in the league.
Saborio: B
- Yeah, the lowest rating goes to the guy with the first goal, how funny. Sabo struggled and I think, like I said earlier, it had part to do with the outside backs not getting up. Sabo is much better when we use him as a target/cross-to forward then when we try to link through him. He still is good with his feet, don't get me wrong, but his skill in the air is just sublime. We didn't use the aerial attack as much as Columbus was a bigger side, and Sabo struggled a bit because of it.
Paulo Junior: B+
- Its hard to compared a subs contribution to that of a starter, but the little firecracker proved to be a tremendous switch. He deserves a good portion of the credit for the third goal as his creativity and awareness beat the Crew and put Javi in the right place. Great night from PJ.
Jean: B+
- When he came on I just had to laugh. You knew Kreis was thinking "possession with anger" with that sub. Jean will either win the ball or make you wish he did after he swipes out your feet. I love this guy off the bench. He is a great asset.
Ned: B+
- Grab-some-boys is quite possibly the best role player I have seen in MLS. He does his job so well but so quietly that you love him and forget him at the same moment. This is yet another addition by Garth that you just have to sit back and say "wow, we got ourselves a good GM"
Man of the Match: Andy Williams (A)
In all honesty, Javi should have won this award. But Javi will likely win it a good 10-15 times the rest of this season. Andy, though, showed last night just how special he is. I would argue this is the best he has been in terms of fitness in his career here. I know he has taken special pride in improving his fitness, and last night it showed. Who would have thought Andy freakin Williams would be making runs in the 90+ minute to create goals. Just insane.
Wanker of the match: Robbie Rogers
I like Robbie, so don't get the wrong impression with this. Last night, however, he became a bit of a black hole. Outside of the 10 minutes in the second half when Columbus looked strong and Robbie was, thus, playing good connecting soccer, Rogers had an off night. He looked to goal from too far out and too often. He was, and you could tell, wanting to be the guy who made his mark and therefore, I would argue, played a bit outside of his normal self. This award will usually go to a guy I hate, but for last night nobody really had just an abysmal night (this is my way of saying well done officials).
The best part of this whole thing is that we live to see the next round. The semi's against either Saprissa or Olimpia will be exciting. It has already been determined that we will host the first leg on March 15th, so go get your tickets if you haven't already.
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