Group A:
Mexico 0 - Uruguay 1

The power of South America in this tournament continues. Uruguay, the bottom team from their qualifiers, was the best team in group A by a long shot, in my opinion. They defend well, attack well, and know how to build and take advantage of mistakes. I love their flow, and have developed a true appreciation for the aging Forlan. Mexico is through, via ugly play to not lose by a lot. That pissed me off, but hey, now they face Argentina so suck on it.
Mexico rating: C
Uruguay rating: B+
Game rating: B
France 1 - South Africa 2

Sad history was made as South Africa failed to advance. They were doing everything they could to make up that goal differential (damn you Uruguay!) but it was too little too late. They should walk out with their heads held high, though. They were fun to watch and won over hearts across the world. France, on the other hand, can burn. The players proved their ego's are far too big and that they don't deserve to be on the big stage.
Group B
Argentina 2 - Greece 0

Another South American team, same story. Pure class. Argentina is one 2 teams left with a 100% record. They have demonstrated their offensive ability to everyone and I think we all are convinced, Maradona is doing something right. I have to tip my hat to this team for showing heart. Just hours before this game we saw France just go through the motions. I was pissed, to say the least. When Palermo put his goal in, however, I remembered that there are good guys in this game too. The man came to tears as he scored, that I can only respect. Well done Argentina.
Argentina rating: A-
Greece rating: B-
Game rating: B
South Korea 2 - Nigeria 2

This was an extremely entertaining match. Nigeria came out fighting for their lives and hoping for the best of luck. South Korea, on the other hand, refused to just sit back and defend so the game opened up. I have a love for the South Korean side as they have the work rate that players should have. They work hard and celebrate as a team, something we don't see enough. The African continent seems to really be struggling in this cup, which is sad. However, if you want to prove you are for real, you better be able to do it under pressure. Africa simply cant.
South Korea rating: B
Nigeria rating: B
Game rating: B
Group C:
England 1 - Slovenia 0

I love this flag as it is so true, hopefully. England just seems to not be able to put it all together in this tournament. Lucky for them, the rest of the group was fairly even and battled it out to not punish their lacking play. Sadly, though, they will have to face the talented Germans in the next round. As I predicted before the tournament started, this game will go to penalties and England will lose. Do yourself a favor if you are an English fan, don't count on winning this game.
England rating: B
Slovenia rating: C
Game rating: C-
USA 1 - Algeria 0

If you are like me, you likely suffered a thousand hear attacks during this game. You have to love the emotions of this sport, and this game made you live all of them. In the 89th minute I had tears in my eyes. I thought it was over. We didnt even lose a game and we were going home, I was so down. Then the moment of brilliance. Tim Howard, beautiful distribution. Landon Donovan, great run and good leading pass. Jozy Altidore, great cross right to the feet of Dempsey. Clint Dempsey, Great run in the box, crashing the goal as he should. Landon Donovan, again, picking up the pieces and sending the country into jubilation. We advance, win the group, and find ourselves in a great group in terms of quality/ability to beat.
USA rating: B+
Algeria rating: C+
Game rating: A
Group D
Germany 1 - Ghana 0

I have never seen a team so happy to lose. However, with the luck of the other game, Ghana lost and still got in. They played a decent game against Germany, but it was obvious they simply didnt want to lose by a lot. Germany, on the other hand, got things clicking again even with Klose. That is one of the biggest things they have going for them against England, rest in their finisher.
Germany rating: B
Ghana rating: C+
Game rating: B
Serbia 1 - Australia 2

Sadly Serbia couldnt pull through and get a win to send them into the round of 16. Australia, however, got the win they deserved. Good for the Socceroos, but they are going home much sooner than they wanted.
Serbia rating: B
Australia rating: B+
Game rating: B+
Group F
New Zealand 0 - Paraguay 0

yawn. Way to go New Zealand, you never lost. Paraguay, winners of the group.
Paraguay rating: C
New Zealand rating: C
Game rating: F
Italy 2 - Slovakia 3

This game was just crazy. I found myself cheering for Slovakia, a team I had no clue about before the tournament began. The defending champs are out, and deservedly so. Slovakia proved to be the better side, with a much younger team. Italy, time to retire the old men.
Italy rating: B-
Slovakia rating: B+
Game rating: A
Group E:
Holland 2 - Cameroon 1

Holland = good. 100% record like Argentina... smells like the final doesnt it?
Holland rating: B
Cameroon rating: C
Game rating: B
Japan 3 - Denmark 1

Honda, as I said before, is a damn good player. This guy should be at a BIG club come the next season. Hopefully that big club is AC Milan. Denmark, for the first time in their history of being at the world cup, didnt make it to the second round. Bendtnar just couldnt get it done.
Japan rating: B+
Denmark rating: C
Game rating: B+
Group G
Brazil 0 - Portugal 0

I have to say, I am not overly impressed with Brazil. This game was a snoozer and they are mostly to blame. Portugal had a good approach and really was the more dangerous team with their chances. Brazil wont be winning this world cup if they continue to play like that.
Brazil rating: C+
Portugal rating: B-
Game rating: D
Ivory Coast 3 - North Korea 0

Not enough goals were scored to even make it interesting, but well done Ivory Coast on getting a win.
Ivory Coast rating: B
North Korea rating: C-
Group H:
Spain 2 - Chile 1

The first loss for a South America team came at the very end of the group stages. Chile was fine with it, as well, as they got through. However, they do have to face Brazil, a classic South America rematch? yes please. Oh, and Spain v Portugal should be interesting as well.
Spain rating: B
Chile rating: B-
Game rating: B-
Honduras 0 - Switzerland 0

In a game where both sides should have attacked like crazy, neither did. Lame
Honduras rating: D
Switzerland rating: D-
Game rating: F
Of the 16 teams through, I got 12 of them right. South Africa, Serbia, Cameroon, and Italy all let me down. However, I have to say I did alright getting 75% in this crazy tournament.
Best game of the round: USA v Algeria
- Honorable mention to the crazy game of Slovakia v Italy
Worst game of the round: Portugal v Brazil
- Honorable mention to Honduras v Switzerland
The stage is set, 16 teams are fighting for the cup, and the beloved USA is one of them. USA has, arguably, the easiest group to reach the semi's (exactly as I had it) and I think they will. Tomorrow is going to be insane, dont miss it!
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